Trintella I & Ia Van de Stadt proved the construction of GRP sailingyachts in series. Anne Wever soon ordered the design of a GRP version of his steel Trintel I. The ship became a little wider and got more sail. Although it was constructed with high tech material for the time, the cabinnrooftop still was of traditional wood and the GRP deck recieved a 18mm (!) teak finish. The result of it all was a well sailing classic, with perfect lines and finishing. The first series were delivered with a wooden mast, the later series had an aluminium mast. The interior is traditional with a bench on each side. Data Trintella l and la Design E.G. Van de Stadt Length over all 8,50/8,80 m (l / la) Length waterline 6,50 m Beam 2,52 m Draft 1,30 m Displacement 3800 kg Ballast 1750 kg Sail area 42,9 m² Buildingperiod 1962 to 1976 Number build ca. 260 Motor Sabb Diesel 10 hp Trintella Ia The difference between the Ia and the I is the shape of the stern. The Ia has a rudder through the aftdeck, while the I has the rudder attached to the stern. The I and the Ia are probably the most successful ship of Trintella and they are still well appreciated by many sailors. Pictures Trintella I/Ia 1-a-foto-lelystad_49463230703_o1-trintella-1-veerse-meer_49463718291_o7-philomena-met-tjipke-wever---kopie_33570298822_odsc_4872_49467380888_odsc_6081_49468100002_ol---3_32804622252_otc-121220_32144041043_otc-121220_32144042603_otc-121220_32144048073_otc-121220_32804607652_otrintella-1a---windveer_35225067056_otrintella-1a---windveer_35225067226_otrintella-lab_32577822220_o Documentation Trintella I/Ia Artikel Trintella Ia in zeilsport en waterkampioenArtikel Yacht maart 1967Artikel Waterkampioen 2013Brochure Trintella IaSpecificatie Trintella Ia 1972Tekening Trintella ISabb manual Previous article: Trintel I, Ia, II en IIa Prev Next article: Trintella II en IIa Next